Inhabiting the North main page
Live audio was webcast on March 27, 2015, 6:30-9:30 PM EDT (10:30 PM – 1:30 AM UTC/GMT) – We’ll re-post the audio on April 1st. Please visit again.
Live broadcast starts Friday, March 27, 18:30 h, EDT
We will update our Facebook page and tweet live. Refresh this page often or ‘like’ our Facebook page and follow @InhabitingNorth and #inhabitingthenorth to see images and videos during the event.
Food provider videos we will screen during the event in the order of screening. We’ll announce when we’re going to run these.
1- Salma Al Atassi
2- Nicole Tanguay
3- Claude Awad
4- Azar Masoumi
We will also screen a video made about the 2015 Strawberry Ceremony at the closing of the event.
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