Blog Archives

(Short) Week in review: May 29 – June 1

After being somewhat derailed, the remainder of last week was a struggle to get back on track again while keeping in touch with Rehab and contributing to the support campaign. I looked through my notes, sorted papers and books, and

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Week (and a half) in review: May 17 – 28

I’m late posting this.  After finishing up with Emin‘s part and a day and a half of work on the proposal to A Space Gallery, I took a day, Thursday, 22nd, to clean up my desks, resort the material, and

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Week in review: May 10 – 16

Along with Zainab Amadahy I participated in an interview on CIUT radio with the Vibe Collective on the 10th. Short interview so I didn’t get to explore the relations between art and healing, though embodiment and breath were discussed. On

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Week in review: May 3 – May 9

I’m posting this late. I was simply too tired on Friday, May 9th, to do a weekly review. The week’s content production was focused on Sampsonia aka Teresia Sherley. This has been the hardest so far, harder even than I’tisam

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Week in review: April 26 – May 2

I attended a yoga workshop titled Healing Physical and Emotional Traumas at the Mind Body Fitness conference in Toronto on April 26 and 27. The somatic work was much needed. Not only did I open physically, but the immersion opened

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Week in review – April 19-25

I’m going to keep the weekly review as regular feature. This was a short week due to holiday Monday. It is a novel practice for me to take formal holidays off. I am experimenting with being a “regular” worker, you

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