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I’tisam al-Din’s Shigarfnamah, 1: how the journey began

Initials indicate translator. GH stands for Gita Hashemi. KH stands for Kaiser Haq. Where both initials appear indicates that the passage is based on KH’s version but substantively modified by GH. My translation is based on the Farsi version, publication

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Posted in Archival material, Script

I’tisam al-Din’s Shigarfnamah – about translation

Passages from Shigarfnamah (also spelled as Shigurfnamah) that will be included in all the upcoming posts are my own translations based on the Farsi original, a draft of which was kindly sent to me by Professor Mohamad Tavakoli-Targhi. The Farsi

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Posted in Archival material, Character notes and sources, Script